Health Outcome Survey Template

Better understand patients' satisfaction by running a dedicated health outcome survey in Checkbox.

Health Outcome Survey Template

Health Outcome Survey (HOS)

Health outcome surveys (HOS) are focused on the patient’s experience of their medical treatment, their health, and the patient-physician relationship. They are used to gather data which provides vital feedback in the ongoing improvement of patient health outcomes. By distributing a health outcome survey among your patients, you can identify problem areas for patients, improve quality of care, increase the accountability of healthcare professionals, and monitor health plan performance. For best results, we’d suggest running your HOS on a regular basis with your patients as this ensures you can collect the most up-to-date information on their health outcomes, as well as have clear benchmarks for the tracking, measurement, and comparison of health outcomes over time.

What is a health outcome survey?

A health outcome survey is a tool for the assessment of patient treatment, care, and results. Typically, these surveys are used within a medical setting to help healthcare practitioners better understand the patient-physician relationship and gather data to improve patient services and experiences. The data that’s gathered by the survey can be used to guide and inform improvements in care while also giving patients an opportunity to give feedback about their experiences. Additionally, a HOS can be used to monitor the performance of health plans, improve patient health, and provide information for public reports about a medical establishment.

How do we measure health outcomes?

Health outcomes are measured by asking patients multiple choice questions about their medical history, the status of their health currently, health outcomes they have experienced (such as hospitalization or surgery), physical activity, and preventative health services. By offering multiple-choice questions, researchers can gather measurable, trackable, and comparable quantitative data which, when repeated regularly, provide a clear overview of any changes in the patient experience over time.

Can I see some examples of health outcome survey questions?

Here are some examples of questions you’re likely to see on a health outcome survey: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your healthcare? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied In the past 12 months, have you had any of the following health outcomes? If yes, please select all that apply. Hospitalization Emergency room visit Surgery Serious illness None of the above

How do you create a health outcome survey?

The easiest way to create a health outcome survey is to sign up to Checkbox and use the template above. Start your free trial on–no credit required.

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