Health Quality BC Measures and Evaluates Healthcare Initiatives with Checkbox


Learn how the Health Quality BC measures and evaluates healthcare initiatives with Checkbox to increase engagement among employees and the community.

Measuring and Evaluating Healthcare Initiatives with Checkbox

We talked with Breah Talan, Director of People and Strategy, at the Health Quality BC about how Checkbox has helped in their mission to advocate for better health care for all of British Columbia.

Breah’s position covers a lot at the organization with a particular focus on internal operations and strategy to enable others at the Council to be successful in their roles. On the internal operations side, she focuses on tooling at the organization, helps with privacy and security, and helps the team with IT tasks. On the strategic side, she does operational planning, strategic planning, policy, procedures, and guidelines.

Founded in 2008 and today with just under 50 employees, the Health Quality BC supports the BC health care system by accelerating improvements faster than if their organization didn’t exist. They focus on accelerating government priorities and medical community engagement, and maintain an active network of 1200+ patients, families, and caregivers. 


The Health Quality BC has been using Checkbox since 2017, and Breah has personally used the platform for 5 years. As an organization working in healthcare, privacy and security were of utmost importance when choosing a provider. After looking around, they went with an on-premise deployment of Checkbox. Previously they used paper surveys in conjunction with online surveys, but with COVID-19 most everything went online. (They even manually enter any paper surveys they get into Checkbox, for the robust reporting and analytics features and to keep everything organized in one place.) 

Checkbox is used both internally and externally with over 150 surveys sent to their community in the past year. Checkbox is a pivotal part of receiving feedback and input from internal teams, at conferences, from stakeholders, and at other events. Surveys are a critical part of the measurement and evaluation of programs and initiatives.   

Key Benefits and Product Features

  1. Easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface— the whole team can use Checkbox.
  2. Different modalities to access the survey— email, link, QR codes, and more.
  3. Robust reporting and analytics— share results in real-time with stakeholders. 

The Health Quality BC leverages Checkbox to the fullest. The drag-and-drop editor has allowed the whole team to be able to use the software within a few minutes of poking around. Breah can pull together a survey within a couple of minutes for various meetings. 

By using various modalities for survey distribution, they meet their audience with the level of technology comfort they have. Whether it’s by email, a shared link, a QR code added to the last slide of a presentation, or paper surveys, they capture the insights their organization needs to provide better health care across BC. (Click here for more info on how Checkbox meets the survey requirements of healthcare organizations).

Utilizing reports and analytics in Checkbox, the Health Quality BC gain invaluable insights from their stakeholders. They get feedback on how to improve meetings, events, processes, and other larger initiatives they are working on from constituents across the government, care providers, families, and more. Additionally, they use real-time updating reports to share with leaders who want to see results as they come in. 

“The importance of feedback and continuous improvement is so important to us as an organization, both for our values but also with the type of work that we do. Checkbox is one mechanism that allows us to hear from the folks that we are interacting with, to learn from their feedback and adjust where needed”

Tips, Tricks, and Advice

Breah shared with us her top tips, tricks, and advice for your organization to get up and running with Checkbox and make the most of it. Here are the top 4:

  1. Any modalities for sending surveys that you can use, use them! This includes links in social posts, emails, website embeds, SMS, QR codes, and paper printouts. 
  2. Learn how to use different parts of the software, like using different question types to ask questions in a slightly different way to verify answers. 
  3. To get organizational buy-in and engagement, make sure your survey has a purpose and you know what the next steps with the data are, then follow through with those next steps.
    Additionally, be transparent about what the purpose of the survey is, what will be done with the data, and who will see the data, especially if it’s not anonymous. 
  4. Using anonymous surveys internally at an organization helps everyone have an equitable voice in decisions made and feedback given. 
“Not only what we value as an organization, but with the type of work that we do as well, it’s so important to be getting that feedback and Checkbox just makes it easy for us to do that”

Ready to create your first healthcare survey with Checkbox?

Here you find more information about how Checkbox meets the unique requirements of healthcare organization. If you would like to see the tool in action, simply request a free demo here.

April 7, 2023
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