Top 5 Ways to Use Surveys to Improve Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace


Learn how surveys can help improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and how you can measure progress towards organizational goals for D&I.

As the world changes lightning-fast, businesses prioritizing diversity and inclusion in the workplace stand to gain numerous benefits. 

Utilizing diversity survey for employees to create a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do but can also lead to increased creativity, improved employee engagement and satisfaction, better decision-making, and increased employee retention. 

However, creating diverse and inclusive culture has challenges, including unconscious bias, stereotypes, limited employee engagement, lack of clear goals and strategies, and difficulty tracking your progress. 

Checkbox, our white-label survey platform, helps you automatically collect, analyze, and report data from employee surveys. It enables you to gather employee feedback, facilitate decision-making and guide the development and implementation of an effective diversity survey for employees strategy.

To see how Checkbox works, start your free trial now.

In this blog post, we will demystify a diverse and inclusive environment, share its benefits and challenges, and explain how to use surveys to improve your current situation. 

We will also show how Checkbox helps you identify the right diversity and inclusion survey questions for employees to best capture insights and create a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Let's share some essentials about embracing diversity and inclusion.

Defining diversity and inclusion in the workplace

A diverse workplace refers to the presence of people from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and identities. 

It can include differences in

  1. Race
  2. Ethnicity
  3. Gender
  4. Sexual orientation
  5. Age
  6. Religion
  7. Physical ability 

On the other hand, inclusion creates an environment that welcomes and values diversity.

Diversity vs. inclusion: What’s the difference?

Diversity vs. inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are two interconnected concepts. 

Diversity refers to the range of visible and non-visible characteristics that make individuals unique. 

Inclusion refers to the active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity – in other words, creating an environment where any individual feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued to participate fully.

What statistics show us about diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace statistics
Image source: Vervoe

Statistics show that companies and individuals recognize the importance of creating an inclusive work environment.

  • Minority groups may reach majority status by 2044. (Built In)
  • Gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to notice higher financial returns. (McKinsey)
  • 83% of millennials actively engage at work when they believe their organization's culture is inclusive. (Deloitte)  
  • A diverse workforce is a priority for 67% of job seekers deciding where to work. (Zippia)
  • Sales revenue increases 15-fold among companies with high racial diversity. (eduMe)

Businesses prioritizing diversity and inclusion are well-positioned to attract diverse talent and achieve higher profits.

The benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace

The benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace
Image source: Medium

There are numerous benefits of diversity and inclusion initiatives. Let's explain the most important ones.

Increased creativity and innovation

A diverse workforce from different backgrounds and perspectives can fuel creativity and innovation. It can lead to unique solutions and approaches to common problems.

Improved employee engagement and satisfaction

When employees feel valued, accepted, and treated fairly, they become more involved and satisfied in their work, resulting in a more productive and positive work environment with better performance.

Improved company culture and employee morale

When you prioritize inclusion efforts, you create an environment where employees can comfortably express their opinions and ideas without fear of discrimination or bias.

Increased employee retention and reduced turnover

Inclusive workplace culture leads to higher job satisfaction and retention rates. Diverse teams are more likely to develop a stronger commitment to their work, stay with your company, and remain loyal. 

On the other hand, high employee turnover can be costly and disruptive, leading to decreased productivity and increased expenses associated with recruitment and training.

Greater ability to attract and retain top talent

More diverse companies often offer opportunities for career growth, skill development, and exposure to different perspectives, which can attract employees seeking a dynamic and enriching work experience.

Enhanced reputation and credibility in the industry

Inclusive companies can improve reputation and credibility in the industry, which is vital for success. You can gain positive media attention and establish yourself as an industry leader, leading to increased business opportunities and partnerships.

Although there are many benefits of diversity initiatives, there are some challenges you might face while creating your inclusion strategy. Let's share some of them.

The challenges of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace

Here are the most common roadblocks you might face while promoting diversity and inclusion in your workplace.

Unconscious bias and stereotypes

Unconscious biases and stereotypes, which can be deeply rooted and overlooked, often hinder diversity efforts. To foster a more inclusive work environment, you must proactively identify and eliminate them in your hiring, promotion, and retention practices.

Resistance to change

Resistance to change prevents the adoption of new policies and practices necessary to create an environment of acceptance and equal access for all employees. 

You can involve employees in the process, lead by example, and communicate the benefits of the changes.

Limited understanding of diversity and inclusion

While some employees may have a basic understanding of these concepts, others may not be aware of the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive work environment. 

Training and resources like workshops, training sessions, books, articles, and guest speakers can increase employee awareness.

Lack of clear goals and strategies

The lack of clear goals and strategies hinder the creation of workplace diversity. Establishing a committee, developing inclusion policies, and setting measurable objectives can help you track progress and make meaningful changes.

Limited employee engagement and participation in the process

Engaging employees and soliciting their participation is critical to the success of diversity and inclusion initiatives. 

To increase engagement, you can create an employee opinion survey and get opportunities for feedback, share experiences, host focus groups, solicit suggestions, and provide regular progress updates.

Inadequate measurement and evaluation of diversity and inclusion progress

You should establish a system for measuring and evaluating your efforts and gaining deeper insights. It can involve tracking employee demographics, turnover rates, and employee engagement scores. 

By doing so, you can better identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to create an inclusive company.

How can surveys help you embrace diversity and improve your business performance? Let’s share some tips to get you motivated.

Five ways to use surveys to improve diversity and inclusion

Image source: Freepik

Here are five ways in which asking diversity survey questions will help you gather valuable employee insights that will improve diversity and inclusion in your workplace.

Employee demographic surveys

An employee demographic survey is a questionnaire that collects data on the characteristics of your workforce, such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, and job title. 

Example employee demographic survey questions

  • What is your gender?
  • What is your age?
  • What is your race/ethnicity?
  • What is your sexual orientation?

It helps you ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations regarding equal employment opportunities.

Employee perception surveys

An employee perception survey measures how employees feel about their workplace, job, management, and overall work environment. 

You can ask employees to provide feedback on various topics, including job satisfaction, engagement, leadership, culture, and communication.

Example employee perception survey questions

  • Have you experienced or witnessed any discriminatory behavior or harassment in the workplace?
  • Does the company provide equal opportunities for all employees?

You can identify gaps in diversity and inclusion programs and make improvements to ensure all employees feel accepted and valued.

Employee engagement surveys

Employee engagement surveys measure employees' commitment to their job, company, and work environment.

Example employee engagement survey questions

  • How satisfied are you with your job?
  • Does your manager support your development and growth?
  • Do you feel that the company values and supports your well-being?

You can use survey results to develop strategies to improve employee engagement, increase productivity, and reduce employee turnover.

Here you can see how an employee engagement survey could look like directly in Checkbox.

Employee exit surveys

Employee exit surveys help you collect feedback from employees leaving your company. 

You can learn about their reasons for leaving, their overall experience with your company, and their input on various aspects of your business, such as management, culture, work environment, and compensation. 

Example employee exit survey questions

  • Why did you decide to leave the company?
  • Did the company value your contributions?

You can use survey results to improve employee retention, attract top talent, and change company policies and practices.

Surveying employee resource groups

Employee resource groups (ERGs) are voluntary groups of employees who share common interests, backgrounds, or characteristics. You can ask members about their experiences, challenges, and opportunities within the group and your company. 

Sample employee resource group survey questions

  • How has your experience been as a member of this employee resource group?
  • How can the company better support this employee resource group and its members?

You can use these surveys to identify areas for improvement in your diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. 

Click here for a diversity and inclusion survey template you can find in Checkbox.

However, you need to use online survey software such as Checkbox to conduct all these surveys successfully. Let's explain how it works.

How to ask diversity survey questions that matter with Checkbox

Checkbox diversity survey

Posing workplace diversity survey questions can be challenging, but using the right tools and strategies can make it easier. 

Checkbox is our robust survey platform that streamlines the process by allowing you to design and distribute diversity surveys for employees, collect and analyze data, and generate reports effectively.

All you need to do is start your free trial to see all the benefits Checkbox brings to your business.

Let's explain how it helps you boost your organization's success with some diversity and inclusion survey examples.‍

Identify the purpose of your diversity survey for employees. Are you trying to understand the demographics of your employees, their perception of your company's diversity and inclusion efforts, or their level of engagement? 

Once you have identified the purpose, you can decide on the survey type and questions you want to include.

Choose the right survey type. It is crucial for obtaining accurate and actionable data. 

For example, employee engagement surveys are ideal for measuring employee morale and job satisfaction, while employee demographic surveys provide information on the diversity of your workforce. 

Checkbox offers a library of survey templates, so you can choose the one that best aligns with your goals.

Checkbox Survey templates

Create your workplace diversity survey questions. Using Checkbox no-code survey editor, you can create surveys quickly and easily. You can add a range of question types, such as multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, rating scales, and more. 

You can personalize and align each survey with your branding to create a seamless employee experience.

Remember to use unbiased questions free from any suggestive language to ensure impartiality and avoid leading responses.

Distribute your diversity and inclusion survey questions for employees. Once you have created your survey, it's time to send it to your employees. You can distribute your survey on the digital channels your team uses the most. 

You can use the Checkbox email distribution tool, deliver it via SMS, share the custom link on social media, or embed the survey on your website or intranet. 

Make sure to provide clear instructions on completing the survey and set a deadline for responses.

Survey questions

Collect and analyze the data. Once the survey deadline has passed, you can use Checkbox to collect and analyze the data. 

Checkbox offers robust data analysis and reporting features that allow you to gain insights into your employees' responses quickly. You can use these insights to identify areas for improvement.

Use your diversity survey for employee results to take meaingful action. Once you have analyzed the data, it's time to take action. Use the insights you have gained from the survey to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in the responses.

Develop action plans based on the survey results and outline specific steps to address the issues identified in the survey.

Ensure you communicate the results and any planned changes to your employees and provide regular updates on your progress.

As you can see, in only a few easy steps, you can gather actionable insights and start improving diversity and inclusion in your workplace.

So why wait? Start your free trial now.

Five tips for creating a diverse and inclusive workforce

Implementing various strategies is crucial to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, which requires a long-term commitment. Here are five tips to get you started.

  1. Set specific and measurable goals: Define what you want to achieve and how you will measure progress. Goals should be based on data and aligned with your organization's values and vision.
  2. Diversify your recruitment and hiring efforts: Expand your sourcing channels, revise job descriptions to remove bias, implement blind hiring practices, and provide unconscious bias training to hiring managers.
  3. Train all employees on diversity and inclusion: It can help employees understand the benefits of diversity and inclusion, recognize their own biases, and develop the skills to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.
  4. Encourage open communication and create a safe space for diverse perspectives: Help employees feel comfortable sharing their opinions, ideas, and experiences, regardless of their background or identity. It means actively promoting an atmosphere where all voices are heard, respected, and valued. Doing so can create a culture of inclusivity and improve team collaboration, creativity, and productivity.
  5. Continuously evaluate and adapt diversity and inclusion initiatives: It's essential to have a feedback loop in place to ensure you're meeting your goals. It's also vital to stay up-to-date with best practices. Attend conferences, research, and connect with other organizations to learn what they're doing to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Use this information to refine your initiatives and ensure you're always making progress.

Finally, don’t forget to use survey software to streamline these processes and save time for developing your inclusive leadership. Sign up to evaluate Checkbox today.

Final thoughts about diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is a moral imperative and a strategic advantage for any organization. 

While there are challenges to overcome, implementing a multifaceted approach that includes setting clear goals, surveying employees, diversifying recruitment, providing training, and fostering open communication can help build a culture of inclusivity and empower your entire team. 

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords but an ongoing journey that requires commitment, courage, and continuous improvement. It is not just the employer's responsibility but also the shared obligation of all employees to create a positive and respectful work environment.

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace also requires the right tools and strategies to streamline the process and make it more efficient. 

With Checkbox, you can easily create and distribute survey questions on diversity and inclusion, collect and analyze data, and create and share reports to help you make informed decisions and track your progress. 

Don't wait any longer to take your business to the next level with diversity surveys for employees. Sign up for Checkbox today!

FAQs about diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about inclusive workplaces.

What are examples of diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

Examples include creating an environment where gender diversity, ethnic diversity, national origin, and sexual orientations feel accepted and respected.  

It includes providing reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities, implementing flexible work arrangements, and ensuring equal opportunities for career advancement.

What are the 7 pillars of inclusion?

The seven pillars of inclusion are

  1. Respect for differences
  2. Valuing diverse backgrounds and experiences
  3. Fair treatment and equal opportunity
  4. Teamwork and collaboration
  5. Open communication and feedback
  6. Flexibility and adaptability
  7. Accountability and ownership

These pillars form the basis of creating an inclusive workplace culture and can guide the development of diversity and inclusion initiatives.

March 9, 2023
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Checkbox develops affordable, feature-rich survey software for organizations, teams, and individuals