10 Ways Organizations Use Creative Surveys


Learn how organizations use creative surveys to increase engagement, solve problems, and get answers.

Surveys have been essential for organizations to gather insights about customer pain points.

With the advancement of technology and the introduction of creative surveys, businesses can now gather more accurate and meaningful data than ever before. 

Creative surveys go beyond the traditional, boring question-and-answer format and engage survey takers in new and innovative ways. 

However, creating a successful creative survey requires careful planning, effective question design, and thorough data analysis, and many organizations face challenges in one or more of these areas.

Survey software, such as Checkbox, helps you ask the right questions, gather real-time responses and improve the customer experience. 

With our no-code editor, you can design your creative surveys in minutes, boost survey completion, get results and make improvements to increase the number of satisfied customers.

To see Checkbox in action, start your free trial now.

In this blog post, we will explore how organizations use creative surveys to gather customer feedback, improve their processes, and drive growth.

Let's start with some essential information.

What are creative surveys?

Creative Surveys
Image source: Freepik

Creating surveys with Google Forms is a thing of the past. Creative surveys use engaging, entertaining and interactive techniques to help you process and analyze customer feedback

Creative surveys capture the imagination of respondents and encourage them to provide thoughtful, in-depth survey responses

They come in many forms, such as quizzes, games, animations, and similar. It leads to higher response rates.

How creative surveys differ from traditional surveys

Here are some key differences between traditional and creative surveys.

Traditional surveys

Creative surveys

Question format

Linear and straightforward, typically asking one question at a time

Engaging and interactive, often incorporating various multimedia elements

Response rates

Lower response rates due to the monotonous format

Higher response rates due to an engaging and entertaining format

Data analysis

Data can be challenging to process and analyze, leading to misinterpretation

Data is more meaningful and actionable, allowing for more accurate analysis

Engagement level

Participants may become disinterested, leading to incomplete surveys

Participants are more engaged and invested, leading to more thorough responses

Question types

Limited to multiple-choice, true/false, and open-ended questions

Incorporates a wide range of question types, including quizzes, games, animations, and more

Data visualization

Data may be difficult to visualize and comprehend

Data is easier to visualize and understand, leading to more actionable insights

Data collection methods

Typically collected through online forms or in-person surveys

Can be collected through online forms, or mobile devices

Data accuracy

May suffer due to low response rates or disinterest from participants

Data is more accurate and reliable due to high response rates and participant engagement

Target audience

Older demographic, less tech-savvy individuals

Younger, tech-savvy, and visually-oriented audience

While traditional surveys have their place, creative surveys offer a unique opportunity for organizations to increase customer engagement and use a more diverse range of data collection methods.

12 advantages of using creative surveys

If you still need convincing, here are some additional advantages of creative surveys.

  1. Increased understanding: Creative surveys often employ visuals and other creative elements to communicate complex ideas, helping respondents better understand the questions.
  2. Variety of data types: You can use these surveys to collect qualitative and quantitative data.
  3. Increased accessibility: Respondents can access surveys from any device, allowing for a broader pool of participants. 
  4. Flexibility: You can easily customize and adjust surveys to meet the needs of specific projects or research goals.
  5. Increased collaboration: Creative surveys can encourage collaboration between your organization and the respondents, leading to better results.
  6. Faster results: Respondents can complete surveys quickly, allowing for real-time results. 
  7. Dynamic questions: You can tailor questions to each participant, leading to more accurate responses. 
  8. Increased trust: Creative surveys can build trust between the researcher and the participant. 
  9. Ability to measure emotions: Creative surveys allow you to assess emotions such as satisfaction, happiness, and loyalty. 
  10. Improved customer service: You can understand what customers want from your business, which can help you improve customer service. 
  11. Improved customer segmentation: You can segment customers better based on their interests and needs. 
  12. Cost-effectiveness: You can conduct creative surveys online, eliminating the need for printing and data entry expenses.

Now that you know how creative surveys benefit your organization, let's discuss how to use them to improve your business further.

10 ways to use surveys in your organization

Here are some key points to inspire and motivate you to use creative surveys. 

Improve customer experience

Creative surveys can improve customer experience by providing a unique way for customers to share their feedback and opinions. 

It helps you better understand customers' needs and preferences, allowing you to tailor your products, services, and overall experience to better meet those requirements. 

It also helps foster a sense of community, as customers feel more valued, heard, connected and invested when you ask them to share their thoughts and ideas.

Improve brand reputation

With creative surveys, you can improve your branding strategy and take proactive steps to enhance your reputation. 

You can use respondents' answers to identify areas of concern and highlight your strengths, building trust and credibility with the public.

Additionally, sharing positive customer feedback can contribute to a positive image and increase your recognition among potential and current customers.

Improve customer acquisition and retention

Creative surveys help you develop more effective marketing and engagement strategies, making it easier to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Creative surveys can play a crucial role in building and maintaining strong customer relationships over the long term. They help reduce churn, as customers are more likely to remain involved with your organization and its offerings.

Improve customer journey mapping

Creative surveys help you identify areas where you can streamline the customer journey, reducing friction in the process. It enables you to increase customer advocacy for your products and services, which can drive positive outcomes for your organization.

Customers with a positive experience are more likely to spread the word to their friends, family, and colleagues. It leads to positive word-of-mouth marketing, which can drive new customers and improve your overall reputation.

Inform product development strategies

Creative surveys help you inform the design and development of new products and services, ensuring they meet the needs and expectations of your target audience.

Additionally, you can get insights into new market opportunities and untapped customer segments, allowing you to expand your product offerings and reach new markets. It can result in increased revenue and market share for your organization.

Inform pricing and sales strategies

You can develop more effective pricing and sales strategies by asking the right questions. For example, you can ask customers about their preferred pricing structures and willingness to pay for different features or services. 

You can create pricing tiers targeting different customer segments, allowing you to capture a larger market share. 

You can also use customer satisfaction surveys to get customer opinions on the current pricing structure and identify improvement areas or adjust your pricing accordingly. 

Inform investment and expansion decisions

Surveys can provide information on various topics, including market trends, customer demographics, purchasing patterns, and more. 

You can use this data to identify where to make investments, such as new product launches or changes to existing products. You can also determine whether expansion is necessary to serve a customer base better or address a particular market.

Surveys also help you measure the success of current investments as you can assess whether specific investments positively impact your business. You can evaluate whether to continue investing in particular areas or make adjustments to maximize returns.

Improve customer service and support

Creative surveys help you understand what customers like and dislike about your products and services. You can address customer concerns and take the necessary steps to resolve them, creating a dialogue with customers and fostering trust and loyalty. 

Finally, surveys help you measure the success of your customer service and support efforts, allowing you to track progress over time and implement new practices where necessary.

Inform loyalty programs

Creative surveys help you measure your loyalty program success and how to serve your customers best. By understanding customers' needs and desires, you can create targeted promotions and rewards that appeal directly to your customers. 

You can learn which loyalty program benefits they value most, what rewards they prefer, and how often they use the program. 

It helps you understand why customers join and remain loyal to your business and allows you to tailor your loyalty initiatives accordingly, making them more attractive to potential customers. 

It will keep customers returning to your organization.

Improve employee satisfaction and engagement

Since an employee opinion survey allows employees to express their views and ideas, you can understand how they feel about their job and your organization. They can proactively help you improve your workplace culture.

Employee surveys can include questions about work-life balance, career development, job satisfaction, team dynamics, and more. By offering employees the chance to express themselves in their own words, you can better understand your performance and how to improve. 

Additionally, it helps you build relationships between managers and employees, increase trust and communication, and create a sense of belonging.

Nine creative survey ideas to consider

Creative survey ideas
Image source: Freepik

Creative surveys bring fun to your businesses as you can add a new level of excitement to data collection. Here are some creative ideas you can use for your next survey.

  1. Gamified surveys: Turn your survey into a game using interactive features such as quizzes, puzzles, or trivia questions.
  2. Image-based surveys: Use images and graphics to create a visually appealing survey, encouraging respondents to engage with your business.
  3. Video-based surveys: Create short videos to introduce your survey, encouraging respondents to complete it.
  4. Animated surveys: Use animations to bring your survey to life and amuse respondents in a fun and interactive way.
  5. Interactive surveys: Use drag and drop, sliders, or other interactive elements to make your survey more attractive.
  6. Voice-based surveys: Allow respondents to complete your survey by speaking their answers, making it more accessible for those who prefer voice over typing.
  7. Social media surveys: Use social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to distribute your survey to increase reach and exposure.
  8. Surveys with timers: Add a time constraint to increase urgency and encourage quick, on-the-spot responses.
  9. Emoji rating surveys: Ask respondents to rate their experience or satisfaction by selecting from a set of emojis to understand their emotions toward your organization.

As you can see, there are plenty of options to test to keep respondents engaged and collect honest answers. However, since creating surveys can be challenging, you'll need proper software to conduct these activities.

Let's discuss how Checkbox helps you along the way. To evaluate all features while reading, start your free trial.

How to create surveys using Checkbox

Create surveys using Checkbox

Checkbox is our white-label survey platform that allows you to create and distribute creative surveys quickly and efficiently. You can create unlimited surveys with unlimited survey questions to gather feedback from your customers.

Whether creating short surveys or multilingual surveys, our customer satisfaction and feedback survey software has you covered.

You can use our campaign manager to create customized surveys and distribute them on channels your customers use the most. You can also create and update user profiles with relevant information to boost personalization efforts and collect accurate data. 

You don't need design or coding skills to use Checkbox. We provide you with a no-code editor and a template library you can align with your branding.  

Most importantly, you can access our advanced analytics to learn from data and improve your organization. 

Let's share a short step-by-step guide on using Checkbox for developing creative surveys.

Step 01: Sign up for a Checkbox account to get started

To start using Checkbox, you can activate a free trial or choose one of the cloud or on-premises packages and create an account. You can find more information on our Pricing page.

Step 02: Create a survey

Checkbox survey creation


Once you register your account, you will be redirected to the main dashboard, where you can create a survey or import one. Here you can also search and filter all surveys and toggle views.

Checkbox survey creation

You can add the survey name, define the custom URL, select a folder to store the survey, and choose one of our premium templates you can customize according to your needs.

Step 03: Customize your survey

Checkbox provides you with advanced customization options.

With our drag-and-drop editor, you can easily rearrange all survey sections, add various question types, display items such as HTML elements and a response summary, include links or add questions from pre-made templates. 

Checkbox survey creation

These are only some of the options at your disposal.

Step 04: Preview and test your survey

Checkbox survey creation

When you finish customizing the survey, it's time to make a preview and test it to see if everything looks and works as planned. You can copy the survey URL, choose the page you want to evaluate and select a device to assess your survey (desktop, tablet or mobile).

Step 05: Distribute your survey

Checkbox survey creation

You can start distributing your survey when you tweak all the minor issues you noticed during the testing process. You can share it online via a link or email and SMS campaign.

After creating a campaign for your preferred channel, you can track your results.

You can see how many email or text messages were not sent, how many responses you got or not, how many users opted out or bounced, and what is your overall response rate.

It will give you a general idea of how to improve your campaigns.

Step 06: Analyze your responses

Checkbox survey creation

Analyze your survey data in real-time using Checkbox data visualization tools to gain insights into your customer's needs and opinions. 

You can assess your NPS score and evaluate the number of detractors, promoters, and passives to prioritize these customer groups and readjust your further activities accordingly.

That’s it! As you can see, creating and distributing surveys with Checkbox is a breeze.

So why wait? Start a free trial now.

Let’s share some new ideas to help you speed up the process.

13 survey questions for collecting feedback

Creating survey questions sounds easy, but it can be challenging when you don't know where to start. Here are some ideas you can adjust to your specific needs.

  1. What could we improve about our products/services?
  2. How satisfied are you with our customer service?
  3. What do you think of our brand reputation?
  4. How likely are you to recommend our company to others?
  5. Have you noticed any improvements in our products/services in the recent period?
  6. How was your experience with our website?
  7. Have you faced any challenges while using our products/services?
  8. How can we make your experience with our company better in the future?
  9. How satisfied are you with our pricing and payment options?
  10. Have you used our loyalty or retention program? If yes, what do you think of it?
  11. How was your overall experience with our employee(s)?
  12. What do you think of our recent marketing campaigns or advertisements?
  13. How was your experience with our delivery and shipping process?

Before writing any questions, remember to determine the survey's goals and what information you need to meet these objectives.

10 ways to promote online surveys

Here are some relevant channels you can use to distribute your creative surveys.

  • Email campaigns
  • Social media
  • Website pop-ups
  • In-app notifications
  • Referral programs
  • Influencer partnerships
  • In-store promotions
  • Customer service interactions
  • Event promotions
  • Online advertisements

By combining these methods, you can maximize the reach of your survey and gather valuable insights from a large and diverse group of customers.

How to analyze and use the data from creative surveys

How to analyze survey
Image source: Freepik

It is crucial to use the data effectively to get the most value from your creative surveys. Here are some helpful tips. 

  1. Define your goals: Ensure you clearly understand your objectives to get the most insights and make data-driven decisions.
  2. Use data visualization tools: Create graphs and charts that help you comprehend the data and draw conclusions.
  3. Segment the data: Segment customers by different demographic groups, such as age, gender, location, and similar. It can help you understand the differences in their perceptions and behavior.
  4. Identify trends and patterns: Look for trends and patterns to understand customer needs and opinions.
  5. Focus on key metrics: Concentrate on customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and customer experience to understand the most critical areas to address.
  6. Collaborate with stakeholders: Share the analysis with key stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, to gather their perspectives and further refine your approach.
  7. Implement findings: Use the insights from the data research to make evidence-based decisions and refine your strategies.
  8. Monitor progress: Ensure that your efforts positively impact your business.

By implementing these strategies, you can proficiently evaluate the data from creative surveys to obtain valuable insights that can enhance business growth and improve outcomes.

12 tips and best practices for designing thriving online surveys

Here are some tips and best practices for designing thriving online surveys.

  1. Keep it simple: Keep the survey short, simple, and focused. Avoid asking too many questions, which can lead to survey fatigue and reduce the overall response rate.
  2. Use simple language: Avoid technical jargon or complex language. Use precise language that is easy to understand.
  3. Offer incentives: Offer an incentive to encourage participation, such as a discount code or entry into a prize draw.
  4. Make it visually appealing: Use an attractive design and layout to make the survey more engaging.
  5. Use closed-ended questions: Use closed-ended questions, such as multiple-choice and rating scale questions, as they are easier to analyze and provide more specific data.
  6. Avoid leading questions: Avoid designing questions that suggest a specific answer, as this can skew the data and undermine the validity of the survey results.
  7. Use relevant questions: Make sure the questions are meaningful, relevant, and directly related to the survey's objectives.
  8. Include open-ended questions: An open-ended question can provide valuable insights into your target audience's attitudes, opinions, and motivations.
  9. Consider timing: Choose the right time to send the survey to ensure maximum response rates.
  10. Allow for comments: Provide an option for participants to leave comments or feedback for further elaboration.
  11. Follow up with participants: After the survey, follow up with participants to thank them for their time and provide any updates or feedback on the results.
  12. Maintain privacy: Clearly explain the purpose of the survey and how you use data. Assure participants that you will keep their responses confidential.

By following these tips and best practices, you can design a successful creative survey that helps you achieve your objectives and provides valuable insights into your target audience.

Creative surveys: Wrapping up

Creative surveys offer a unique and engaging way for organizations to collect valuable insights from their target audience. 

Whether you're looking to improve customer experience, inform marketing strategies, or boost employee satisfaction, there are numerous ways to use creative surveys to achieve your objectives.

With their ability to provide detailed, accurate data and their potential for fostering a sense of engagement and interaction, creative surveys are an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. 

Following the tips and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create thriving online surveys that deliver meaningful results and help you make informed decisions.

If you're ready to take your organization to the next level, start designing and launching your first survey with Checkbox today!

February 24, 2023
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