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How to Trigger an Automatic Email

July 16, 2024

What’s the difference between an Email Alert and an Email Response?

You can add two different kinds of automatic emails to your survey – Email Alerts and Email Responses. Email Alerts and Email Responses are most often added to the Completion Page, but can be added to any page of your survey.

Email Alerts are custom email messages that you can send to yourself, to your respondent, or to someone else. They can be triggered each time a survey is completed, on a certain page of a survey, or conditionally based on logic rules that you set up. Email alerts are most handy when you want to notify someone about a response, e.g. if you need to notify your customer service department about a poor customer satisfaction rating.

Email Response items are similar to Email Alerts except that, in addition to being able to include a custom message, Email Response items also include a text summary of all the questions and answers from the survey. They can also be triggered each time a survey is completed, on a certain page of a survey, or conditionally based on logic rules that you set up. Email Response items are most handy when you need to automatically send yourself, another, or the respondent a copy of a survey response.

How to Send an Email Alert or Email Response

1.  Click Add Action Item -> Email Alert or Email Response

  • It is most common to add your Email Alert or Email Response to the Completion Page so that it is triggered when the respondent submits the survey, but you can add the email to any page of your survey.
  • You may add multiple email items if you would like to send different messages to different people or you’d like to trigger them based on different Conditions (logic rules).
Send an Email Alert or Email Response

2.  Add a Custom Message

  • Enter your email message in the HTML editor
  • You can click the merge icon (@ button) to customize your message with Contact Profile information or answers from the survey.
  • If you are adding an Email Response item, the summary of the survey response (all questions and answers) will be automatically added after your custom message when the email is sent.
Add a Custom Message

3. Populate the Email To/From Information

  • Enter the email address you want to send the email FROM. This can be typed in manually or you can click the @ merge icon to merge an email address dynamically.
  • Enter the email address you want to send the email TO. This can be typed in manually or you can click the @ merge icon to merge an email address dynamically. Multiple email addresses can be separated by a comma.
  • Enter an email SUBJECT. You can type in a subject and/or merge information from the survey or respondent by clicking the @ merge icon.
  • Enter a BCC email address (optional)
  • Select the Send Once box if you want to prevent the email from sending multiple times if the survey response is resumed or edited.
Populate the Email To/From Information

3. Add Conditions to your Email Alert (Optional)

  • If you do not add Conditions, your Email Alert will send every time someone reaches the survey page that you add the email item to.
  • If you want to add logic rules so that your email is triggered based on an answer to a question, your survey score, etc., you can add one or more Conditions to your Email Alert. See our Conditions Guide for more information on setting these up.
 Add Conditions to your Email Alert

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