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Respondent Settings & Permissions

July 16, 2024

Respondent Settings Overview

There are two types of settings that control the permissions for survey taking:

  • Survey Privacy controls who has access to take your survey
  • Respondent Permissions control other survey-taking functions such as the ability to save and resume or edit a submitted response

Both the Survey Privacy and Respondent Permissions can be found within the survey editor under Settings -> Respondent Settings.

Respondent Settings Overview

Survey Privacy

A survey’s privacy level determines who can take your survey. Privacy levels include:

  • Public
  • Password Protected
  • Email Invitation Only
  • Allow All Contacts
  • Allow Specific Contacts


Setting a survey to Public means anyone who has your survey link may take your survey and all responses will be anonymous. Public surveys are most useful when you need summary survey results and don’t need to link responses to respondents. Note that IP address is still tracked for Public surveys.

Password Protected

Password Protected surveys are secured with one single password for all respondents. Setting a survey to Password Protected means any respondent that knows the password may complete this survey.  All responses will be anonymous.  Password Protected surveys are handy when you want to distribute a public survey but add an extra layer of protection.

Email Invitation Only

Setting a survey to Email Invitation Only means that only respondents who receive a Checkbox email invitation will be able to take the survey. Invitations can be sent to registered Checkbox Contacts/Groups or to a list of email addresses. Responses will then be associated with either the Contact’s username or email address. This setting is most useful when you want to take advantage of Checkbox’s email scheduling and tracking features, or when you want your respondents to be automatically logged in through the email invitation link.

NOTE: The survey links in Checkbox email invitations are unique to each recipient and are not meant to be shared or forwarded.

Allow Specific Contacts

Setting a survey to Allow Specific Contacts lets you choose certain Contacts or Groups of Contacts to access your survey. Only the Contacts and Groups that you add to the Respondent List will be able to take the survey. Contacts on the list must either login to Checkbox to take the survey or must be auto-logged in through a Checkbox email invitation. Responses will be associated with each Contact’s username. Allow Specific Contacts surveys are most useful when you want to tightly control who can take your survey or you want to require respondents to log in.

Allow All Contacts

Setting a survey to Allow All Contacts means that anyone with a Checkbox username and password will be able to take your survey. Contacts must either login to Checkbox to take the survey or must be auto-logged in through a Checkbox email invitation. Responses will be associated with each Contact’s username. This setting is most useful when you want to give all your Contacts access to a survey or when you are using Checkbox’s self-registration feature to manage access to a survey.

Respondent Permissions

Respondent Permissions determine the behavior options for responses. Options include:

Make Responses Anonymous

Enabling the Make Responses Anonymous will mask any personally identifiable information that would normally be tracked with a response, including IP address, email address for email invitation recipients, username for Contacts, and Contact profile information. You must enable this setting before you send out your survey as it is not retro-active. Conversely, disabling this setting will only track respondent information for responses that are collected after you disable the anonymous setting. In other words, changing the setting does not change already-collected responses.

Allow Survey Back Button

When enabled, a “Back” button will appear with the survey’s navigation buttons allowing respondents to move backward in a survey and review/modify responses prior to survey submission.

Allow Response Reset

When enabled, a “Form Reset” button will appear with the survey’s navigation buttons allowing respondents to clear all responses on that survey page.

Allow Respondents to Edit Submitted Responses

This setting allows respondents to return to a previously submitted survey and modify their completed response.

NOTE: This setting may work for Public surveys as long as the respondent is using the same computer/browser and hasn’t cleared their cookies, but it is not guaranteed. The foolproof way to allow respondents to edit completed surveys is to require a login or send the survey through a Checkbox email invitation.

Make All Questions Required

Enabling this setting will make all questions (both existing and those subsequently added) in your survey required, meaning a respondent won’t be able to move onto the next page or complete the survey without answering them. You can also make individual questions required by editing the question and choosing ‘Make Question Required’ under the Behavior option, but this setting is the quickest way to make all questions required.

*Important Note: Once you make all questions required, if you unselect this option, newly added questions will not be required but existing questions will remain required. You must unselect the “Make Question Required” option on each existing question if you’d like it to be optional.

Allow Respondents to Save and Exit

This setting allows respondents to pause their survey response at any point and resume it at a later date, while saving their progress. Resumes responses will pick up where the respondent left off. Responses can be resumed from a Checkbox email invitation link or from a unique resume link, if the Save and Exit button is also enabled.

Display “Save and Exit” Button

When enabled, a “Save and Exit” button will appear with the survey’s navigation buttons. Clicking the Save and Exit button will give the respondent the option to either copy and save or email themselves a custom resume link. The Save and Exit button can be used for surveys with any Privacy Level, including public surveys.

NOTE: This option is only available when “Allow Respondents to Save and Exit” is enabled.

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